There's a difference between tearing down posters or otherwise blocking freedom of speech and actually welcoming trouble-makers and rabble-rousers. I dislike or disagree with many politicians but, as you say, welcome them in Parliament but I don't think Farage (or Galloway) being in Parliament would be/is a good thing but more of a boulder on the tracks stopping the train running at all!

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Maybe there are three ways to see it. I certainly get yours. Another is that they are exposed as people with handy soundbites but little substance. The third is that they at least represent - even if only symbolically - a perspective that isn't currently represented, but which some ordinary voters share.

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I take your point but am not sure they will expose themselves as soundbite not substance. Who to? Not us whereas their followers beg to be worked up. It brings us to the very edge of freedom of speech and incitement, always very difficult to decide on. The statement on the Referendum bus was a lie intended to mislead and undermine, which it did, but it was hardly FoS. More fault then of the Remain campaign to behave like a wet dishcloth of course. I think Farage has the right to stand, and people the right to vote for him, but don't, as intimated, see him as representing diversity. Does one let Goebbels go on spouting or does one shut him up? Like Trump, I feel Farage is a disrupter rather than sincere. But, like you, I am "rarely certain" which is what makes the knife edge so interesting!

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Very good piece! As an American, I am more familiar with the US, rather than Europe, but your observations translate very well. I think that people on both sides are bewildered by the opinions of the other side, and cannot imagine a “smart” person holding those views. As a conservative leaning person, I was bewildered at Trump’s success in 2016, and his continued popularity since Jan 6. Since then, I have made a good effort to understand why my former allies on the right have aligned around him. I do not agree with them, but try to understand and where possible, reason in good faith with them. You cannot just disregard nearly half of America. Republicans will learn this if Trump wins and tries to be the “authoritarian” that many fear.

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Congrats on Nate’s recommendation. Not sure what took him so long but glad that he finally saw the light. 🙂🙂🙂

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Nice going to get a Nate Silver endorsement!

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Congratulations on the milestone! I hope Rarely Certain keeps growing. We desperately need more thoughtful, humble writing in our discourse.

I’m interested in responding on the basic insecurity that seems to drive all the wishful suppression, and I hope to do so once I’m at my PC rather than my phone.

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