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Hi Mike as usual I read your piece with interest and thought I'd add to it a little further (or maybe not)!

We all need to take responsibility for our own emotions. Something someone says or something that we read doesn't make us angry, it is our emotional processes. So we need think in 'I' statements, for example, 'I felt angry when I read......' or 'I felt angry when you said.....' It is our interaction, interpretation and behaviour in response to a stimuli, so we should take responsibility. This goes for other emotions. Also I suggest that when someone is angry it is their emotion and whilst they may be using mental defense mechanisms, projection and rationalisation spring to mind, this is their attempt to deal with it and we don't have to accept it, a simple acknowledgement that they are angered will suffice. I'm really glad that I have never twittered or Facebooked, for the reasons mentioned above.

Mike I'm pleased your using your time more mindfully and doing more life enhancing activities. Perhaps we share the same goal of finding contentment.

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