Moderate to me is a wishy - washy opinion-less mouth piece of the establishment. "Left wing" Tories, "Right wing" Labour, these people call themselves moderates. They all say the same thing and none of it is original. I could not think of a worse phrase to call myself. I am Liberal, I am Conservative, I have a wide range of opinions which may sum to some supposed centre but each opinion alone deviates further in some direction than any moderate new speak. Moderates are bound to the establishment window of permissible opinion. This applies to all old media. Who replaced the unhinged Liz Truss with her radical tax cuts but a moderate. We need to coalesce around individualism and respect people who dare to think differently.
Yes, 'moderate' now seems to be fatally flawed, due to so much pejorative use. I think I prefer to consider myself as 'independent' ('individual' works too). But we could still use a label that encapsulates the widely held 'reasonable' positions of people on our strange array of theory-driven social justice tangents. No wonder the postmodernists obsess over language.
On reading your latest piece I have became further intrigued. Could you please explain how you are of the left, who you characteristice as of the right and how they are of the right? To me a traditional left and right no longer exist so would like to know how you feel so confident flagrantly throwing these terms around?
Congratulations on not being deleted for spam on this occasion, because I enjoyed the pics & idiosyncratic prose in the first piece. Please don't do it again.
Moderate to me is a wishy - washy opinion-less mouth piece of the establishment. "Left wing" Tories, "Right wing" Labour, these people call themselves moderates. They all say the same thing and none of it is original. I could not think of a worse phrase to call myself. I am Liberal, I am Conservative, I have a wide range of opinions which may sum to some supposed centre but each opinion alone deviates further in some direction than any moderate new speak. Moderates are bound to the establishment window of permissible opinion. This applies to all old media. Who replaced the unhinged Liz Truss with her radical tax cuts but a moderate. We need to coalesce around individualism and respect people who dare to think differently.
Yes, 'moderate' now seems to be fatally flawed, due to so much pejorative use. I think I prefer to consider myself as 'independent' ('individual' works too). But we could still use a label that encapsulates the widely held 'reasonable' positions of people on our strange array of theory-driven social justice tangents. No wonder the postmodernists obsess over language.
On reading your latest piece I have became further intrigued. Could you please explain how you are of the left, who you characteristice as of the right and how they are of the right? To me a traditional left and right no longer exist so would like to know how you feel so confident flagrantly throwing these terms around?
Good question, which I'll take up in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned
Congratulations on not being deleted for spam on this occasion, because I enjoyed the pics & idiosyncratic prose in the first piece. Please don't do it again.
Just keep doing your thing. Your thing is good